| +44 (0) 790-863-9450 | +256 772-370-111

Day 0  Arrival: Hotel accommodation at Juba Grand Hotel US$200 per peron on BB basis.

Day 1 departure to Terekeka: Hotel accommodation at US$200 per person, per night on Full Board basis.

Day 2,3 and  4 Terekeka, Cattle camps, cultural events of Mundari people, etc*

Day 5: Drive back to Juba. Hotel accommodation at Juba Grand Hotel US$200 per person on BB basis.

Day 6: Airport Transfer US$50.

Itemised quote:

Transportation in a fuelled Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 4×4, inclusive of driver guide, his accommodation and meals: US$400*5=US$2,000

Airport transfer on Day 6: US$50.

Accommodation in Juba & Telekeka: 6 nights *200*2=US$2,400

Entry permit US$250 per person inclusive of admin fees*2=US$500

Photo permit  1 at US$500

Security Clearance Permits US$300 per person * 2=US$600

Visa on arrival US$200 per person( not included in total quote;; payable directly on arrival at the airport)

Total: US$2,000+ $50 +$2,400 +$500+$500+ $600

=US$6,050 for 2 people staying in 2 separate hotel rooms.

US$3,025 per person.

As per South Sudan laws only a husband and wife ( carrying a marriage certificate) are permitted to share  hotel rooms.

The visa is obtained on arrival, we would just need to process for you the entrance permit prior to your arrival.

We would need copies of your passports and payment to assist us process the entrance permit plus photo permit as well as reserving the hotel accommodation and rest of the tour logistics.

The entrance clearance that we are applying for will be acceptable by the airlines and proof that you will be granted the visa on arrival. That is how it works. We have never had anybody with an entrance clearance being denied a visa on arrival.